Martens Minute

What is the perfect home temperature in winter?

January 12, 2023

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the perfect home temperature is 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Why? This is considered to be the lower end of comfortable for most people—and by keeping your thermostat set slightly lower, it’s easier for your furnace to keep up. However, despite this recommendation, the perfect home temperature often varies depending on a few outside factors. In this blog, Martens Plumbing & Heating analyzes the elements you should take into consideration as temperatures outside continue to plummet. Read some of them below, and call us for service.

The Amount of Time You Spend at Home

Your temperature setting depends on many things, including your schedule and basic preferences—and how much time you spend at home. If you’re at work all day, your thermostat is likely set lower when you’re gone. However, if you work from home or otherwise spend most of your waking hours there, you’ll have the temperature set higher.

If you plan to be gone for a long weekend or vacation, you can set your home temperature even lower. Be sure not to turn off your heat completely, though. This will run the risk of frozen pipes, which is a very costly and inconvenient repair.

Your Furnace’s Efficiency

Another factor to account for is your overall furnace efficiency. If your furnace is older or hasn’t been serviced in a while, you may find yourself constantly turning up the thermostat to achieve the right level of home warmth. If this is the case, be sure to give the experts at Martens Plumbing a call. We will evaluate your furnace, provide a proper tune-up, and ensure your system is working properly.

There are also a few simple things you can do on your own to help your furnace run as efficiently as possible in winter:

  • Make sure your air filter has been changed recently
  • Check your outdoor vents to remove leaves, snow, or anything else that may be blocking them and causing your furnace to work double-time
  • Double-check that your thermostat settings are correct (set the temperature at least three degrees above the current temp to ensure your heat is turning on)

Your Monthly Energy Bills

Most people look to cut down on their energy usage when they can. Setting your thermostat about seven to 10 degrees lower than normal for eight hours a day is a great way to do that. Consider turning down the temps at night when you’re sleeping—you won’t be as likely to notice the change and you can take advantage of the energy savings.

Let Martens Help You Determine the Right Comfort Level

Whatever your perfect home temperature is, Martens Plumbing is here to help you maintain it. Remember: Small adjustments can add up to substantial savings each month. So whether it’s a simple tune-up or a brand-new furnace installation, we’re ready to help you stay comfortable. Contact our Bryant® experts today for service.